Best Places To Learn About Upcoming NFT Projects

coffee and phone with twitter

Like it or lump it, NFTs are here to stay. Non-fungible tokens are rapidly going mainstream, opening up new realms of possibility for artists, creators, fans, and brands.

But the space is new, and can be confusing. Everything happens super fast and it can be difficult to keep track of it all.

How exactly do all these NFT degens keep making all that money? How did that amazing new project sell out while you popped out for coffee, leaving you scrolling through OpenSea wondering if the floor price will ever drop? Is everyone “going to the moon” without you?

Firstly, relax. It’s easy to get FOMO in NFT land, but this should never influence your purchasing decisions. Particularly in a space where scams, rug pulls and pump-and-dumps are common – never believe hype alone.

So, are some people just lucky… or do they know something you don’t? Like most things in life, with NFTs, you gotta be in the know. It’s one of the many reasons we’re here to help.

We’ve put together a quick rundown of our top picks – here’s everywhere you can learn about upcoming projects in the NFT space. Let’s go!

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Image by Alexander Shatov on Unsplash: Discord can help you interact with NFT communities and discover news and updates about the next big NFT drop.

1. Twitter

“Not the bird app!” we hear you groan. But unfortunately, if you’re not already using Twitter to keep up to date with everything NFT-related – we’ve got some hard truths for you. You’re doing itall wrong!

OK, maybe not quite. There’s no right or wrong, of course. But Twitter is the absolute go-to platform for everything NFT-based: it’s where creators, artists, entrepreneurs, and investors all hang out. It’s also where the majority of NFT platforms and web artists market their creations and collections – so if you want to keep up to date, this is the first place to be.

The good news is that, more than any other social networking site, you really can choose what you see on Twitter. If you want a mix between NFT and foodie Twitter, that’s what you get. If you want to keep up with cryptocurrency markets AND follow your fave A-listers, you can do that, too.

Another key benefit of the platform is that it allows external link sharing (unlike some other social networks). This means that NFT project accounts offer easy access to all the relevant information – links to websites, roadmaps, Discord channels, and other social media accounts. Everything you need in one location. Simple.

The next question, of course, is who should you be following on NFT Twitter? It’s important to trust your sources, so we’ve put together a handy guide for that, too.

2. Discord

One for the gamers! Many of you may be unaware of this, but Discord is to NFTs what bread is to butter. What eggs are to soldiers. What cheese is to crackers… You get the gist!

One thing to know about NFT projects is that community is king. The power, strength, and vibe of a project’s community is essentially make-or-break – the bigger and more engaged the community, the stronger the project. Thus, a thriving community is one of the more obvious indicators of a great NFT project.

But what does this have to do with Discord? The platform – which, as we previously alluded to, is most often associated with groups of gamers – is the highest-ranked, invite-only app for community building. The ability to essentially gamify who does and doesn’t enter a community group has led to many NFT projects choosing to use Discord channels as a key component of their marketing strategies, as well as utilizing the app as a community engagement platform.

The higher the engagement on Discord, the greater a project’s profit potential and trustworthiness. Yes, you can program bots, but it’s difficult to fake engagement or buy likes on this platform (unlike some others). From community bingo nights to mental health check-ins and “garden-along”s, many projects are succeeding in finding innovative ways to engage their communities. At the same time, marketers and founders are driving potential NFT holders to the channels by announcing exclusive news and offering “Discord only” perks.

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Image by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels: How do I find upcoming NFT projects?

3. Rarity.Tools

POV: You’ve scrolled through Twitter, read some hot-off-the-press threads, joined a community Discord or two… Now you want to get into the nitty-gritty, perhaps to find out more about a certain project.

Enter Rarity.Tools – the perfect next step for evaluating the viability and potential returns of new NFT projects.

So, why does rarity matter? Essentially, an NFT’s rarity is the key determinant of its price. The higher the rarity of a generative art token or collectible, the greater its resale value – and subsequent profit potential.

OK, that’s it for the business speak. Whether you’re in NFTs for fun, community, art, or cold hard flipping, Rarity.Tools is a top-notch tool for computing the rarity score of any given NFT. It arranges every collection in descending order of rarity scores, so NFTs with high rarity scores will be ranked at the top. Definitely worth a peek!

4. NFT Calendar

Finally, we were always going to give an honorary shout out to NFT Calendar – a simple, easy-to-use platform that keeps you in the loop about what is dropping and when.

One of the first platforms to allow projects to advertise NFT events and upcoming drops, NFT Calendar is accessible for both creators and the community, and has become a firm staple for anyone and everyone looking to keep on top of what’s happening when in the NFT space.

Featured image by on Pexels